Welcome to the home of the " Ellis Schools of Traditional Aikido "
Tadashi Abe Sensei Aikido
Tadashi Abe Sensei a direct student of OSensei from 1942...Introduced Aikido to France in 1952. A man who was devoted to OSensei and Aikido as a Martial Art. He was loyal to his country, He was Samurai. Aikido pioneers,K Abbe ~ T Abe ~ M Nakazono ~ M Noro, each returned home to the Hombu unchanged, only to find the Hombu & Aikido had changed. They were not welcomed back as returning pioneering heroes, more like dinosaurs..This Blog not associated with discredited British Aikido Board
Wednesday, 1 May 2024
Monday, 19 February 2024
"The Long and Winding Road of a Budoka" , - Amazon £5-99p
Ellis Sensei tells many stories starting from the origins of the legendary Hut Dojo. Memories from his 70 years of travelling and spreading the word of Aikido and Budo.
The stories bring to life many of the people from those incredible times, the stories vary from serious to the hilarious .
Ellis Sensei has spent his final years documenting in several Amazon books the history of British Aikido, Including The life of Kenshiro Abbe Sensei -
Henry Ellis a student of K Williams - K Abbe - T Abe - M Nakazono - M Noro - K Chiba - N Tamura - M Harada - T Otani.
BELOW; The first comment on the new book " The Long and Winding Road of a Budoka,"

Reviewed in the United States on 10 February 2024
Monday, 1 January 2024
Click for Video >Rik Ellis - AIKIDO - MMA - VIDEO
British UK1 MMA Light Heavyweight Champion title holder 2012
Rik Ellis ~ Aikido Shodan - Demonstrating.
Uke / Training Partner
Nick ``Head-Hunter`` Chapman . UCMMA Champion
NEW AMAZON BOOK ~ £5 - 99p
CLICK -> ``The Long and Winding Road of a Budoka``
Henry Ellis began his Martial Arts training 70 years ago at the now legendary `` Hut Dojo `` the first Aikido Dojo in the United Kingdom.
Henry first began with Judo and shortly after joined the small Aikido section under the direct teachings of Kenshiro Abbe Sensei and many other highly respected Budo masters such as Tadashi Abe Sensei - Mutsuro Nakazono Sensei - Masamichi Noro Sensei - Kazuo Chiba Sensei - N Tamura Sensei - M Harada Sensei (Karate) T Otani (Kendo ) All of Henry's books have one main aim, to preserve the true traditional spirit of the Traditional Aikido first taught by Kenshiro Abbe Sensei from 1955. This book tells of Henry's 70 years of amazing anecdotes - memories - experiences . from a time when there were just 5 students in the first Aikido class to a dojo in almost every town and city.
Henry Ellis - dan grade certificates signed by OSensei Ueshiba - Moriteru Ueshiba - Kenshiro Abbe - Mutsuro Nakazono - Kazuo Chiba Shihan.
Sunday, 5 November 2023
Click here -> British Aikido History Site
The Amazon books ` Kenshiro Abbe Sensei ` - `British Aikido History` - The Founding of Jujitsu - Judo - Aikido in the UK` The books are written by Henry Ellis - Derek Eastman two of the last of the surviving direct students of Kenshiro Abbe from the 1950s. - Co-author Abdul Rashid.
If you are interested in the factual history of British Traditional Aikido as documented by a direct student of Kenshiro Abbe Sensei and Ken Williams Sensei from 1955. Please visit the British Aikido History site, take a look at the Amazon book " British Aikido History " a great book with many photos of past and present teachers both British and Japanese.
Read the recently resurfaced Mutsuro Nakazono letter from 1966. This letter was received by Ken Williams Sensei at a time of great upheaval in British Traditional Aikido, and the break up of the `British Aikido Council` BAC . This was just months before the arrival of TK Chiba Sensei.
Friday, 15 September 2023
New Amazon Book now Available - £12-95p
KENSHIRO ABBE SENSEI 1915 - 1985 - The Forgotten Budoka
Published by Amazon 20th - May - 2021
Compiled by the Martial Arts researcher Abdul Rashid.
A new book published by Amazon Books -. This book is an in-depth look at the life and times of this legendry man of Budo, from his childhood to his time as a captain and Brigade Commander in the Imperial Japanese Army during WW2 - his time at the Busen - Butokukwai - His competition successes in front of the Japanese Emperor, his defeat of the great Judoka Kimura also his time in the UK and Europe. This will complete our `library` of British Martial Arts history as associated to the influence of Kenshiro Abbe Sensei 8th dan Judo - 6th dan Kendo - 6th dan Aikido - 6th dan Ju-Kendo.
The following Amazon Book titles may be of interest to the student and teachers who value the true origins of British Martial Arts. " The Founding of Ju-Jitsu - Judo - Aikido in the United Kingdom " --- " British Aikido History " --- " Kenshiro Abbe Sensei the Forgotten Budoka " --- " Positive Aikido " by Dave Rogers --- " The Life - Giving Sword " the life of K Chiba by Leise Klein.
Thursday, 14 September 2023
"British Aikido History" the Book.
Tuesday, 12 September 2023
New Books Available on Amazon. - £6-85p.
There are sadly now just a very small group of direct students surviving to this day. Abdul Rashid has been fortunate to have the opportunity to work with two genuine pioneers from the incredible Kenshiro Abbe Era, Henry Ellis and Derek Eastman were students of Judo in the 1950s and shortly after they became a part of the very first group of Aikido dan grades in the UK.
There are two books available a black and white copy for £6-95p or the enhanced coloured copy at £29-00.
Monday, 11 September 2023
Important new book released by Amazon. Cardback £8-90p.
Click for free Amazon page view.
Past history is an important part of present day life, much of todays lessons of life are learned from the lessons of past events of history.
In the past, and the life we lead today, the facts of history can be lost in time as the people that were an indelible part of any historic events become fewer and fewer, such is the case of the British Budo Controversies .
With the demise of the central figures to our budo history, such as Kenshiro Abbe Sensei - Tadashi Abe Sensei - Mutsutaro Otani Sensei - Mutsuro Nakazono, Kazuo Chiba Sensei . We must not forget the many English Budoka that were a part of the early development of British Budo, there are too many to mention here, I must add two of my greatest friends the late Bill Woods Sensei RIP - Gerry Gyngell Sensei RIP. they both worked in the BJC London office with Abbe Sensei, they were a great source for information of those wonderful early days.
As these legendary figures have now passed into history, there are the unscrupulous and shameless characters that will write their own versions of their associations and ``friendships `` with the past Budo masters, their imagination would be more fitting in a sequel of `Harry Potter`.
This book documents two of the most shameless attempts to corrupt our proud heritage and lineage, it also sadly exposes individuals and organisations that to this day offer their full support of many more fraudulent claims . All fraudulent grades and titles are never questioned.
Henry Ellis and Derek Eastman are two of the last few survivors of the Kenshiro Abbe era from the 1950s, with the support of their co-author Abdul Rashid they intend to leave a documented history in all their books of an amazing and historic time of which they were proud to be direct students of Kenshiro Abbe and so many other legendary Budoka from that early era.
Quote; " If you tell the truth - You don't need to remember anything."
Henry Ellis
Wednesday, 7 December 2022
Excellent researched and documented video.
`The Founding of JuJutsu Judo Aikido in the UK`
Scroll down past the books and video information for the blog content as titled.
The Founding of JuJitsu - Judo - Aikido in the United Kingdom
CLICK The above YouTube video heading the live link will take you to the video of the history of the arrival of the martial arts to the UK from the late 18th century - The video is narrated by Abdul Rashid with many photos and much factual in-depth research. This video is based on the now popular and highly credited book of the same name. The UK visiting Japanese masters from pre - WW1 and post WW2 were - Yukio Tani - Kaneo Tani - Seizo Yamamoto - Taro Miyake - Sadakazu Oyenishi - Akhitaro Ono - Gunji Koizumi - Matsutaro Otani - Kenshiro Abbe - Mutsuro Nakazono - Kazuo Chiba.
Sunday, 1 May 2022
"Its discouraging to think how many people are shocked by honesty, and how few by deceit" ~ Noel Coward
Martial Arts Books by Abdul Rashid & Henry Ellis - Derek Eastman
The six books above are all factually honest books, documenting and protecting the legacy of UK Traditional Martial Arts from its UK origins. All the books are available on. Link> " Amazon Books ".
Friday, 11 March 2022
"It's discouraging to think how many people are shocked by honesty, and how few by deceit " Noel Coward
Wednesday, 28 July 2021
The Kenshiro Abbe Era ~ Book Collection.
Visit ``Books on Martial Arts ``
Henry Ellis - Derek Eastman are now sadly amongst the last of a very small group of surviving direct pioneer students of the legendary Budo Master Kenshiro Abbe.[1915 -1985]
Anecdotes, stories, historic events are vividly brought to life from the incredible 1950s/60s.
With the encouragement of Martial Arts researcher - author - Abdul Rashid - Ellis and Eastman were inspired to put their personal `documented true factual history recorded in to book form to memorialize all those involved in the early days, never to be lost or forgotten.
The books credit many other Judoka and Aikidoka that were involved from the Abbe Era, honourable people who played a role in the early days when Aikido was a Martial Art, there were so many others that are remembered who later helped to promote and protect the legacy of Kenshiro Abbe Sensei.
The following titles are available from Amazon Martial Arts Books
" The Founding of Ju-Jutsu - Judo -Aikido in the UK " ------ " British Aikido History "
" Kenshiro Abbe the Forgotten Budoka" ---- " Positive Aikido ".
Wednesday, 10 March 2021

" The Aikido I knew and learned with Osensei was Budo. Since my return to Japan, I realize that what we teach today has nothing to do with this martial art.
What remains of this art inherited from Samurai, which was formed by the founder for men. Today, it is a sport of women ! " Tadashi Abe Sensei
Tadashi Abe Sensei began his Aikido study with Osensei in 1942, he was the first official AikiKai representative to Europe.
Right: T Abe Sensei and K Abbe Sensei .

If only Tadashi Abe could see senior Aikidoka today - throwing with a nod of the head - no touch throws - breathing through their toes - Aikido Ribbon Dancing - Touching and Freezing students - Music in the Dojo - Ki Blasts - Rest in Peace - Tadashi Abe Sensei.

Pierre Chassang (1919 - 2013 - Died 29 April 2013)
Chassang Sensei was a French aikidoka holding 8th dan Takemusu Aiki Intercontinental and 6th dan .[1]

Chassang was first taught aikido by Tadashi Abe in 1952, he was the first student and assistant to Tadashi Abe Sensei from 1952.
Chassang Sensei stated to me personally - "There were no British students of Tadashi Abe training in France during the whole of the 1950s ".
When Abe Sensei returned to Japan in 1960, Chassang helped Masamichi Noro to create the Association Culturelle Européenne d'Aikido.[3] He subsequently studied with Mutsuro Nakazono and Nobuyoshi Tamura, with whom he had a long and close alliance.
Chassang was a founding member of the International Aikido Federation, which he served as General Treasurer for several years. He was President of European Aikido Federation from 1981-1987. With Philippe Voarino, he also founded the Takemusu Aiki Intercontinental association.[2]
I first met Chassang Sensei when he visited the UK with Tadashi Abe Sensei and Mutsuro Nakazono Sensei. Derek Eastman and I had the pleasure of meeting him just a few years ago on his last visit to the UK, where we had a nice pub lunch together. R.I.P. Chassang Sensei.
Henry Ellis Admin.
Monday, 28 September 2015
Scroll Down for information on Tadashi Abe Sensei - Books - Video - Photos.

Right: Kenshiro Abbe Sensei with Ken Williams Sensei at the Hut Dojo.
The site is maintained by AikiKai Shihans Henry Ellis and Derek Eastman - The last two surviving pioneers from that exciting era of the birth of Aikido in the UK at the famous "Hut Dojo"
Ellis & Eastman Sensei's are co-authors of the book `Positive Aikido` - they are proud to have their diplomas signed by legends - Osensei Morihei Ueshiba - Kenshiro Abbe - Masahilo Nakazono - Masamichi Noro - TK Chiba - Doshu Moriteru Ueshiba.
Right: Mitsusuke Harada Sensei

Right: Henry Ellis - Mitsusuke Harada - Derek Eastman join Harada Sensei at the TK Chiba Celebration in 2006. Harada Sensei was invited to the UK in 1963 by Kenshiro Abbe Sensei - He held his first classes at the Hut Dojo. Harada had no students to begin with - Henry Ellis and Derek Eastman studied Karate with Harada, he in turn studied Aikido with them - Harada began to incorporate Aikido moves later into his Shotokai Karate as can be seen in his teachings today.
Click here for the British Aikido History Blog > British Aikido History Site

USAF - UK Air Base - European Judo Championships.
Henry Ellis - Derek Eastman - Geoff Goodwin.
Click here -> Earliest UK Aikido Demonstration Film.
The British Aikido Board Controversy Slide-Show
Mr Jack Poole claims to be the first UK student of Aikido with Tadashi Abe Sensei in 1952 - This is denied by Pierre Chassang Sensei who was the first student and personal aide to Abe Sensei. - see slide show.
Documented evidence of the conduct of the UK Governing Body for Aikido.
Detailing the BAB's attempted collusion with one Mr Jack Poole to change forever the true proud history and lineage of British Aikido, from its inception to the UK in 1955 by Kenshiro Abbe Sensei.
Henry Ellis was actually Mr Poole's first teacher as one can clearly see from the large collection of photos and statements, this did not deter the BAB from proudly parading Mr Poole along-side his teacher as a `Pioneer of British Aikido` .
Imagine you are a direct student of Kenshiro Abbe Sensei and recognised by the Doshu and TK Chiba as a true pioneer of British Aikido - The UK Aikido governing body invite you to receive an award in recognition of this - As you wait to meet the Lord Mayor of Birmingham - you hear a shuffling sound - you look behind - standing there unannounced is one of your old students in line to receive the same award as a pioneer - unbelievable.You could not make this up - The BAB did.
Sunday, 27 September 2015
AIKIWEB Articles - K Abbe - M Nakazono - M Noro - TK Chiba
Four Articles - Featuring: - 1st Kenshiro Abbe Sensei - 2nd Masahilo Nakazono - 3rd Masamichi Noro - 4th TK Chiba Sensei.

______________________________________________"THE BUDO MASTERS"_________________________________________
_____________________Kenshiro Abbe ~ ~ Masahilo Nakazono ~ ~ Masamichi Noro ~ ~ Kazuo Chiba _____________________
Henry Ellis 6th dan AikiKai Hombu - Co-author of "Positive Aikido". Relates stories of training with the early Budo Masters.
_______4 Articles - featuring 1st Kenshiro Abbe Sensei - 2nd Masahilo Nakazono - 3rd Masamichi Noro - 4th TK Chiba_______

______________________________________CLICK the ARTICLE of YOUR CHOICE_____________________________
1st - Article: Kenshiro Abbe _____“Trying to Catch the Wind”_____
Click Here - AikiWeB Article - "It Had to be Felt".~ Kenshiro Abbe - "Trying to Catch the Wind".
2nd - Article: Masahilo Nakazono ______”A Man of Peace and Pieces”______
.Visit Aikiweb Click here >- Aikiweb - Nakazono Sensei Article
3rd - Article: Masamichi Noro ______The White Tornado__
Visit Aikiweb - Click Here - "The White Tornado"
4th - Article: Kazuo Chiba ______Two Handsome Young Men___Click here - "Two Handsome Young Men"
Henry Ellis a direct student of the legendary Budo master Kenshiro Abbe Sensei from 1957. "AikiWeb" has published 4 articles to add to their popular Ellis Amdur article collection of "It Had to be Felt" `IHTBF`.
British Aikido Board Blog - Click here ->BAB Blog - BAB Blog _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Henry Ellis speech - Anniversary Dinner - TK Chiba's 40 years in the UK.
Henry Ellis Sensei joined Chiba Sensei in the 1960s shortly after his arrival in the UK.Friday, 25 September 2015
`Positive Aikido` a true Traditional Story
Order from Amazon
Henry Ellis & Derek Eastman 6th dan AikiKai-diplomas signed by: Osensei Ueshiba - Kenshiro Abbe - Masahilo Nakazono - TK Chiba - The Doshu Moriterue Ueshiba.
Front and back covers.

Book also available on Amazon UK £10-95 free p&p & Amazon USA. $18.
For an in-depth review of "Positive Aikido" click here>Positive Aikido
Visit the "Aikido Articles Blog"->Aikido Articles
Thursday, 24 September 2015
Tadashi Abe Sensei ~ 1926 ~ 1984

Visit the new Nakazono Aikido Blog Click here

" L'Aiki-Do " published in the 1950s by Tadashi Abe .
Photo right..T Abe & K Abbe Stage Nimes France. ..K Abe Sensei gave two copies to Kenshiro Abbe Sensei who later gave them to me..(Henry Ellis)...There are a couple of pages from the books added further down this page..It is interesting to see the various push-ups on the back of the wrists as taught by both T Abe and K Abbe..See the video demo by a member of `E.S.T.A` doing these push-ups..
French | 1958 | ISBN-10: n/a | PDF | 132 Pages | 17.7 MO
Tadashi Abe Sensei - France - 1952.
British Aikido Origins from 1955 - Narration & Movie Slide-Show by Henry Ellis ~ The Arrival of Kenshiro Abbe Sensei - Development of Budo in the UK.

A student of OSensei Morihei Ueshiba in 1942..Minoru Mochizuki Sensei ( right ) visited France in 1952, he later invited Tadashi Abe to become the first resident Aikido teacher to France later that same year of 1952..Abe Sensei taught a no nonsense style of Aikido, he believed Aikido to be a martial art. In later years he would be very critical of Aikido..Abe Sensei on his last visit to the AikiKai Hombu in 1967, he stepped forward getting everyones attention, he spoke out aloud """ I apologise to the ladies present, this is not Aikido I see being taught here, this is Aikido for women !!... He felt it had lost its roots and had become effeminate; it was no longer the budo he studied under Morihei Ueshiba..
He then threw his diploma's on the mat and stormed out.."""...
A comment on Aikiweb Forums from Professor Peter Goldsbury really amused me.
Quote] The 'final incident' involving Tadashi Abe took place in 1967, right? Which was two years before O Sensei passed away and Kisshomaru became the second Doshu. If he were to appear now, in 2010, Mr Abe would probably burn the place down. Of course, he would be dismissed as an unfortunate relic of the past. [Unquote.

Kenshiro Abbe Sensei 1918 ~ 1985.

TK Chiba Shihan describes Tadashi Abe Sensei as " My Hero "...I told Sensei that we the early 1950s dan grades would agree with that seal of approval.. Chiba Sensei as with his ` hero` teaches Aikido as a martial art.The plastic Samurai accuse Chiba Sensei and Abe Sensei of being too hard, or even brutal..I have never seen that with either teacher...Then again my Aikido was never one with music and dopey ribbons in the dojo. Tadashi Abe Sensei was a sad loss to the true spirit of Aikido......Chiba Sensei said " Henry, these people call their dojo a martial arts dojo, in truth, it is no more than a social club "..Chiba Sensei then added " Aikido is now so watered down !",I replied " No Sensei, I don't agree, It was watered down, now it is vaporised "..
I had never seen Chiba Sensei laugh so loudly.....
Visit the sites below for ~ Aikiweb Forum ~ Rare Films ~ Articles.
A:... There is a very interesting thread on "AikiWeb" on this great Budo master " Tadashi Abe ". Click for thread..Tadashi Abe Sensei
B:... There is also a very interesting article thanks to ` Aikido Journal ` from the " Reminisences of Minoru Mochizuki Sensei" and his first meeting with Tadashi Abe...Click here.. Click here
C:... Interesting Bio of Y Yamada Sensei a cousin of Tadashi Abe Sensei. Click here.. Yamada Sensei cousin of Tadashi Abe Sensei
D:... 1952 Film ~ K Ueshiba ~ K Tohei ~ T Abe 1952 Film ~ K Ueshiba ~ K Tohei ~ T Abe
E:...Rare 1950s film. Tadashi Abe Rare 1950s Film
F:... 1952 Film ~ AikiKai..O-Sensei..Tadashi Abe third from right in line.. Click Here
G:... H Kobayashi remembers Tadashi Abe Sensei..Click Here
H:.. Aikido Journal ~ Andre Nocquet and Tadashi Abe Click -> Tadashi Abe
The Kaiten suicide submarine........................T Abe trained as a suicide pilot ->

Emperor Hirohito -->

Tadashi Abe Sensei was an officer in the Japanese Imperial Army during the second world war. Nearing the desperate end to the war for Japan, Abe had trained as a one man suicide submarine / torpedo pilot for the ` Kaiten` a floating bomb 1.6tonnes of expolsives, he had completed his training, he was on standby to commit his life for his Emperor and country, as a true Samurai should, when suddenly the war ended for both Japan and Tadashi Abe.. TK Chiba Shihan told me that Abe Sensei felt he had been cheated out of his destiny, a feeling that stayed with him until his death in 1984.
CLICK PHOTOS to ENLARGE ~~ Tadashi Abe & Kenshiro Abbe ~ 1950s